YOGI DYE CHEM INDUSTRIES C-13/14, Satyam Complex, M.G. Road, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai-400 077, INDIA. Dealing in Silver Compounds, Silver Chloride, Silver Nitrate, Silver Oxide, Barium Compounds, Phosphorous Acid Crystal... Contact Person: Mr. S. Kumar Send Inquiry
LABORT FINE CHEM PVT. LTD. Estate, At Post : Bhatpor, Taluka : Choryasi, Dist. Surat-394 510, Gujarat, India Manufacturer of Laboraotry and Fine Chemicals : Acacia (Gum Accacia), Acetaldehyde, Glacial Phosphorous Acid Crystal... Contact Person: Send Inquiry
STS CHEMICALS LTD. Other Add : Excel Phosphochem H A Ltd Compound, Pimpri, Pune-411 018, Maharashtra, India Manufacturer of Phosphorous Based Chemicals, Phosphorous Acid Crystals 60%, Phosphorous Oxychloride, Phosphorous Phosphorous Acid Crystal... Contact Person: Send Inquiry
VITAL CHEMICALS Shalin Complex, Krishnabaug Cross Road, Maninagar, Ahmedabad - 380 008, Gujarat, India Dealing in Phosphorous Based Chemicals : Phosphoric Acid Technical and Food Grade, Phosphorous Acid Crystal... Contact Person: Send Inquiry