DE LUXE CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES Plot No. 502/10, GIDC, Nr. G.I.L. Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Manufacturer of Basic Dyes, Chrysodine-R/Y, Bismark-R/Y Basic Dyes Ankleshwar... Contact Person: Mr. Malani Bhazat (Proprietor) Send Inquiry
SWARAJ INDOCHEM Plot No. 4402, GIDC, Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Dealing in Naphthols, Naphthol Bases, Direct Dyes, Reactive Dyes, Basic Dyes, Acid Basic Dyes Ankleshwar... Contact Person: K. P. Rajeshwaran, K. P. Sreenivasan Send Inquiry
SWASTIK ENTERPRISE Shop No. 14/A, Old Colony, GIDC, Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Manufacturer of Organic Pigments, Inorganic Pigments, Acid Dyes, Basic Dyes, Direct Dyes, Basic Dyes Ankleshwar... Contact Person: Mr. G. R. Majithia (Prop.) Send Inquiry
GALAXY CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Nr. Abhilasha Pharma Little Hunmt, G.I.D.C., Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Mfg of Acid Dyes, Acid Orange 2, Acid Scarlet MOO, Acid Scarlet Basic Dyes Ankleshwar... Contact Person: Mr. Manojbhai Send Inquiry
MEHUL DYE CHEM INDUSTRIES Plot No. 1803, G.I.D.C. Estate, Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Manufacturer and Exporter of Basic Dyes (Powder & Liquid), Methyl Violet Liquid Basic Dyes Ankleshwar... Contact Person: Mr. Lalji Bhai Hirani (Partner) Send Inquiry
SHRAMAIK CHEMICALS GIDC Industrial Estate, Opp. Gujarat Gas Co., Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Manufacturer and Exporter of Acid Dyes (Orange ll) Orange 7, Metanil Yellow Basic Dyes Ankleshwar... Contact Person: Send Inquiry