ARIHANT BIOSCIENCE (INDIA) PVT. LTD. Corp. Off.: 5144, GIDC, Ankleshwar-393 002, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India Supplier Of Lyophilized Biofertilizers 100 Billion Cfu/G, Azotobacter, Acetobacter, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Acetobacter ... Contact Person: Mr. Chirag Ghevariya Send Inquiry
MITUSHI PHARMA 2268, Parishram Nagar Part-1, Krishnanagar, Naroda, Ahmedabad - 382 346, Gujarat, India Manufacturers and Exporters of Feed Supplements used in Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Formulations Acetobacter ... Contact Person: Mr. Rakesh Kadia / Mr. Rohit Send Inquiry
RUCHI BIOCHEMICALS 205 / 22- B, Bimbisar Nager, Goregaon (East), Mumbai- 400 065, Maharashtra, India Manufacturer and Exporter of Bio Fertilizers : Nitrofix (Azospirillum), Azotobacter, Rhizobium, PSB Acetobacter ... Contact Person: Send Inquiry